From time to time we all want to shed a few pounds

Perhaps they piled on during the winter when we love to eat lots of warming foods and have not been as active as usual. Whatever the reason, we start looking for fast ways to lose weight, exercise for weight loss and dieting plans.

Lose Weight and Dieting

Lose Weight and Dieting – Healthy Foods + Healthy Diet = Weight Loss

The nitty-gritty is that you need to eat the right foods – foods rich in nutrients, not overloaded with sugar, salt, or unhealthy fats.

By developing healthy eating habits which include good carbohydrates and fats, lots of fiber, and lean protein, you should begin to experience weight loss without dieting. You will also feel more alive, vibrant, and full of energy!

If you eat processed foods that are full of calories and lacking in the nutrients your body needs to function properly, not only will you not shed those pounds but you’ll feel under par – weary, sluggish, stressed and susceptible to illness.

What are these healthy foods for weight loss?

In simple terms, they are foods that provide a high nutrient to calorie ratio – more bang for your buck! This isn’t low-calorie dieting that will leave you craving food, lacking in energy, and with a low metabolism. It’s the healthiest way of eating, and easy to incorporate into your lifestyle.

Make sure your diet includes fruits, vegetables of all kinds but especially leafy greens, whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean meats, fish, eggs, and low-fat dairy products, herbs, and spices that most of us are familiar with.

Whenever possible buy organic locally produced food that will have fewer pesticides or preservatives, as well as benefiting your community.

Foods that are higher in fat and fiber but low in refined carbohydrates are believed to be integral in a process called ‘thermogenesis’ in brown fat cells. All foods are “thermogenic” because the body uses energy to digest them. The most thermogenic food is lean protein such as chicken breast, fish lean red meat, and eggs.

You’ll be eating food that tastes good, is readily available and affordable, and is familiar to you.

Conclusion: Yes, weight loss without dieting is easy! Yes, you could say that following these guidelines is ‘dieting’ but I prefer to think of it as a way of life, part of a healthy lifestyle. Shedding those extra pounds, or rather excess fat will be effortless. No need to become a slave to the scales or diets that leave you hungry.

Article Source: Weight Loss Without Dieting – A Healthy Diet To Lose Weight.

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